Talk show host dedicates an entire hour to discussing the vagina with her audience, on “The Tyra Banks Show,” airing on Monday, November 5 (check local listings for stations and times). From the look of the vagina to the newest ways to prevent HPV, Tyra holds a no-holds barred discussion with her audience about the least talked (and looked at) about part of a woman’s part. Tyra says, “I have wanted to do this show for two years. I know for a lot of women talking about what is going on in our bodies is extremely difficult, but it is incredibly important. We should be able to talk to our daughters, sisters, mothers and friends about our bodies and not be embarrassed. I hope after this show women will not be ashamed about what’s up down there.”
Tyra begins the hour giving her audience a test to see if they can name all the parts of the vagina to unbelievable results – only 11% of her audience filled out the anatomical chart correctly. Shocked by the results, Tyra welcomes gynecologist Dr. Debby Herbenick to give her viewers a quick tour of their nether regions with a velvet and satin “vagina puppet” pointing out the clitoris, the labia minora and labia majora and the urethra.
Having avoided the doctor for 28 years, Tyra takes a Plano, Texas woman, who happens to be a registered nurse, to her very first gynecological appointment. After the woman breaks down in tears, Tyra gives her support and holds her hand of the woman while she has her first PAP test and breast exam with Dr. Michelle Francis of New York. Tyra says, “As we were getting closer to the exam, I could literally feel how tense she was.” Tyra welcomes the woman and Dr. Francis back to her stage to talk about her experience and to give her the results of her PAP – and to make her promise to go again next year.
Also on the show, Tyra introduces gynecologist Dr. Donnica Moore who educates Tyra’s audience on the importance of PAP smears and the newest vaccination for young women that can prevent the human papillomavirus – a virus that can cause cancer.
Tyra also shares with the audience the moment her mother gave her a hand mirror and told her to look at herself “down there.” Tyra says, “My mother told me to look at myself because, ‘It’s just another part of your body that needs to be healthy just like your eyes, your nose, your ears, your mouth and everything else.’”
Thanks to Perez Hilton for this vagi-tastic info!
If only our team could have an entire talk show devoted to The Vadge. Every day, a new vaginal topic. We'd be the Oprahs of the netherworld...
Oh no! I have been so used to despising Tyra! Now my vadge must love her!
I have the same feeling about TB. She's so annoying, but the clip i saw of the Vadge show was good. I LOVE the vadge puppet. Must own one. Dear Santa...
I am actually a distant cousin of Dr. Herbenick. The morning she appeared on the tyra show, i was visiting a college in florida, where relatives live. We all watched this particular episode and were very proud of how accomplished Debby has become. I have only dreamt of appearing on the tyra show and i was proud to watch my cousin accomplish that!
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