Monday, October 22, 2007

The horrible truth about my vajayjay.

My vajayjay has "special needs".

She is very sensitive and gets irritated by the most simple things like glycerin, latex. She's had a deep fear and loathing on tampons since she came of age. She needs lots of special care.

So I spoke with my very lovely Dr. Gyno (her name has been changed to protect the innocent) and we talked about my muffler's needs. We discovered a lube that didn't require me to eat yogurt with every meal. There happen to be three, count 'em THREE non-latex condom options (one being the femidom which I have yet to use, anyone with personal info on those?), with more hopefully coming on the market. And then we came on the very difficult subject of tampons. Lord knows we have tried just about anything possible. Cardboard applicators, plastic applicators, curved, straight. All to no avail. Not only were they awkward but physically painful to use for longer than 5 minutes. I've even tried the itty bitty little OB's with their creepy animated character Hoobie, all to no avail. I explained this to Dr. Gyno and she turned the swivel light on my special place and low and behold... I have been shortchanged. I can only take the short end of the stick, literally.

This is yet another instructional reproductive organ image. We are specifically looking at the length of the vagina itself. The average vaginal length/depth is difficult to quantify. If you Go Ask Alice you'll find that there is no real "average" as there is a lot of flexibility in our magic place. But I learned from Dr. Gyno that my magic place is just... a little more condensed. I am working with about 2-4 inches, even if the cervix moves that might bring me to about 6 inches.
That's not a lot of room to work with. While it was deeply disturbing to find this out, I learned that there is no harm involved, that I just have to be more flexible, I do yoga, this is not intimidating. And frankly, this trip to Dr. Gyno is part of the reason we're all here talking about our own Vajayjay's, The Oval Office and I found this revelation to be so fascinating that we felt the need to talk about it for hours, and felt that other women probably had similar stories to tell. I'm so proud to be the owner of a stunted, but talented vajayjay who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for the good stuff!
Mink Muffler


The Oval Office said...

My dear friend, the truth about your muff is not horrible. It is a lovely flower-- it just may be a violet while some of ours are daffodils. Thanks for sharing.

Mink Muffler said...

My delicate flower is more a dandelion as compared to an orchid, but I'm ok with that.