Tuesday, October 16, 2007

She Has One Too!

Articles abound about Hillary Clinton's appeal to women. Will she sail into the White House because of us? Are women really weighing the fact that she is a woman as heavily as the media seems to think we are (Wants universal health care. CHECK. Has a vagina. CHECK)?

I came across an interesting piece in the NY Times about women's online political involvement. Judging by the participants on overtly political blogs, women aren't really engaged. It turns out, that if we delve a bit deeper, women are motivated to partake in political discourse through different means. We may care deeply about health care so we talk about health care legislation on health care blogs. We believe in a woman's right to choose so we support candidates who do on pro-choice blogs. What do you think?

I get a little irked by the notion that women become mothers and then vote for candidates based solely on that. Really?

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